API’s to Create User,Reset Password and Add Responsibility
I have created few queries using Oracle provided package:’FND_USER_PKG’. These queries might be very useful when you donot have the Oracle Apps front end access or you like to get in done through backend.Using the below query, you can create a User in Oracle application.Just pass username, password and email id as parameters and it will create a user.
01 | declare |
02 | v_user_name varchar2(30):= upper ( '&Enter_User_Name' ); |
03 | v_password varchar2(30):= '&Enter_Password' ; |
04 | v_session_id integer := userenv( 'sessionid' ); |
05 | v_email varchar2(30):= upper ( '&Enter_Email_Id' ); |
06 | begin |
07 | fnd_user_pkg.createuser ( |
08 | x_user_name => v_user_name, |
09 | x_owner => null , |
10 | x_unencrypted_password => v_password, |
11 | x_session_number => v_session_id, |
12 | x_start_date => sysdate, |
13 | x_end_date => null , |
14 | x_email_address => v_email |
15 | ); |
16 | commit ; |
17 | DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'User:' ||v_user_name|| 'Created Successfully' ); |
19 | when others then |
20 | DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Unable to create User due to' ||SQLCODE|| ' ' ||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 100)); |
21 | ROLLBACK ; |
22 | end ; |
01 | declare |
02 | v_user_name varchar2(30):= upper ( '&Enter_User_Name' ); |
03 | v_new_password varchar2(30):= '&Enter_New_Password' ; |
04 | v_status boolean; |
05 | begin |
06 | v_status:= fnd_user_pkg.ChangePassword ( |
07 | username => v_user_name, |
08 | newpassword => v_new_password |
09 | ); |
10 | if v_status = true then |
11 | dbms_output.put_line ( 'The password reset successfully for the User:' ||v_user_name); |
12 | commit ; |
13 | else |
14 | DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Unable to reset password due to' ||SQLCODE|| ' ' ||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 100)); |
15 | rollback ; |
16 | END if; |
17 | end ; |
01 | declare |
02 | v_user_name varchar2(30):= upper ( '&Enter_User_Name' ); |
03 | v_resp varchar2(30):= '&Enter_Responsibility' ; |
04 | v_resp_key varchar2(30); |
05 | v_app_short_name varchar2(50); |
06 | begin |
07 | select |
08 | r.responsibility_key , |
09 | a.application_short_name |
10 | into v_resp_key,v_app_short_name |
11 | from fnd_responsibility_vl r, |
12 | fnd_application_vl a |
13 | where |
14 | r.application_id =a.application_id |
15 | and upper (r.responsibility_name) = upper (v_resp); |
16 |
17 | fnd_user_pkg.AddResp ( |
18 | username => v_user_name, |
19 | resp_app => v_app_short_name, |
20 | resp_key => v_resp_key, |
21 | security_group => 'STANDARD' , |
22 | description => null , |
23 | start_date => sysdate, |
24 | end_date => null |
25 | ); |
26 | commit ; |
27 | DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Responsibility:' ||v_resp|| ' ' || 'is added to the User:' ||v_user_name); |
29 | when others then |
30 | DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'Unable to add the responsibility due to' ||SQLCODE|| ' ' ||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 100)); |
31 | rollback ; |
32 | end ; |
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